“Individual commitment to a group effort—that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.”

Dr. Bryan Moore,
Senior Pastor
Dr. Bryan Moore has pastored in the St. Louis region for over 40 years. Taking on the senior pastor position at Jubilee in January 2019 just prior to Covid and a 5th generation grandson of Nat Turner, he brings a solid and structured style of leadership into a community ridden with trauma and chaos. His wholistic approach of: biological, psychological, and theological practically addresses personal and community concerns in a way that moves people into a strong and relevant walk with God.
Dr. Leslie Moore,
First Lady
Dr. Leslie Moore is an administrator, communicator, leader and godly servant here in the community. A wife and mother in her biological family, she is also affectionately called “mom” by the men in our recovery homes. She brings a unique approach of tough love and encouraging support to all she encounters on the front lines of urban ministry.

Andrew Krumsieg, Administrative Pastor
Pastor Andy and his wife Debbie have lived and worked in the urban community 40 years. Starting in the Cabrini Green housing projects in 1982 and cofounding Lawndale Christian Development Corporation in Chicago, they have lived in the neighborhood since they relocated to north St. Louis in 1994. They have 4 married children and 5 grandchildren.
Steve McFarland,
Associate Pastor
Steve and Beth McFarland have been involved with Jubilee since 2000. They have 2 grown sons and continue living out their careers in the business and medical professions. Fully engaged in the ministry of Jubilee, Steve is a co-founder and brings leadership to The Nat Turner Foundation.

Jamal Preuitt,
Housing Program Director
Born and raised within a few blocks of Jubilee, Jamal entered the RSS program in 2021 as a resident in the Victory Over Bondage House. He has faithfully grown and served in the program and as a great team player, now leads the VOB and Turner House men as Housing Director. He is blessed with 3 children ranging from ages 3 to 12 years old. Jamal leads by example and is an encouragement and role model to all of the men who come through our program. Jamal is a peer support to his men and is looked up to as their marker for success.
Bob McMaster,
Retired from the banking and business industry, Bob took on the work of creating Jubilee Services into a sustainable business within the context of urban ministry in 2017. Working alongside men in the recovery community to restart their lives and rebuild their families is a passion of his heart. Bob has been married to Barb for 50 years, has 5 grown children and 5 grandchildren.