Proverbs 31:30 “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”
As the women of Jubilee, we assemble to unite the feminine aspects of God. Some of which are nurturing, supportive, gentle, warm, cooperative and empathetic. These feminine attributes of God combined with our masculine ministry bring balance to a community that has far too long embraced separation, distrust, suspicion and detachment in our relationships as a result of multigenerational trauma.
As women, we must get back on our post and redefine what it means to be feminine. We must understand what it means and aspire to be “Anointed Women Restored By Love!”
The women’s ministry has several things going on each month: bonding events, bible studies and book studies. Please see the event calendar to look for opportunities to come fellowship with us.